
The law of e-commerce for car live broadcast: "Three Want and Three Don’t"

Following the fire of Liu Genghong fitness live broadcast, Oriental Selection also dominated the whole network by means of live education with goods. At the moment of repeated epidemic, most industries entered the cold winter, but the live broadcast was in full swing.

In the automobile industry, live broadcast has brought new opportunities to the online marketing of automobile manufacturers. Compared with the traditional offline promotion and advertising, live e-commerce is more economical, efficient and comprehensive in terms of car viewing and car selection.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

According to the survey, nearly 60% of the respondents also said that before buying the next car, they would be more inclined to screen their early targets by live broadcast or short video.Thus, live e-commerce is expected to become the latest way for China auto companies to get customers.

Live e-commerce has brought to the automotive industry"New Channels", "New Models" and "New Efficiency"Opportunities, stimulate the potential demand of young users, can promote the rapid outbreak of products. Especially in the epidemic environment,Live e-commerce has become a highland for automobile brands to spread their market influence.

At present, the car live broadcast is still in the period of dividend growth, and various car manufacturers have entered the market one after another. From products to technology, from culture to brand, the marketing "competition" has gradually escalated. In the booming era of live broadcast, how to maximize the value of car live broadcast e-commerce, the following"Three Want and Three Don’t"The principle hopes to bring some thoughts to the industry.

Let’s talk about "three essentials" first. Which "three essentials" do you mean specifically?

In the past, car companies made an offline press conference, that is, invited hundreds of media to gather in one place, held a huge press conference, and then spread the information about the listing or release of new cars through various media.

In the era of live broadcast, car companies have become the largest new media platform, and family matrix operation of "new products" has become a new choice for online marketing. For car companies,Through the matrix account, the vertical domain can be subdivided, different business paths can be completed, and the cost of content production and operation can be reduced.

The common matrix account layout consists of brand master account number, brand matrix number, employee number/president number and dealer number/store number. The brand DNA, brand tonality and visual style of the account matrix can be consistent, but the core content of each matrix account should be expanded around the core population and goods, and the function and positioning of the matrix account should also be differentiated and diversified.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

Take one plus one used car as an example: the main account creates an IP "one plus one car", which only sells one-price boutique used cars, the secondary account "one plus one story meeting" takes pictures of employees’ daily life, the in-store sales, the anchor establishes the employee number "Luo G", and after opening up a new business second-hand name list, the "one plus one little cousin" account is created, each account has an independent person in charge, and then it is uniformly drained to the main account live broadcast room.

As a young China automobile brand, Auchan Automobile is the first one.“1+3+N+X”Live mode."1" refers to an official main account; "3" refers to 3 sub-accounts; "N" refers to about 20 head dealers who are doing well in the field of live broadcast at present. In the planning of Auchan Automobile, this N will reach 100; "X" means that all dealers must have the ability to carry goods live.

Through the family matrix operation, Changan Auchan began to plan daily live broadcasts, transform into auto show media coverage groups, and participate in large-scale live broadcasts of various node brands, relying on the efforts of brand parties, KOL and media, as well as hundreds of dealers and Auchan sales champions.

In the previous pre-sale of Changan Auchan Z6, it was broadcast live through a 12-hour press conference and realized.2309 sets of 2299 yuan large order.. These 2309 large orders directly exceeded5.3 million live broadcast deal, more indirectly realized Changan Auchan.The sales amount of more than 300 millionThis also provides a solid and powerful case for family matrix operation of new products.

After the matrix construction of automobile live broadcast is completed and the brand volume is effectively expanded, how to make the brand unique in the minds of consumers has become an urgent problem for the brand.

Brands do live marketing, and use direct ways and opportunities to communicate with users in depth, which can not onlyDeepen the deep links between brands and users., not badFurther improve marketing transformation.

In the live broadcast, the anchor often talks about "family …", but cars are different from other daily products, and it is not just a few words of "family" that can attract consumers to place orders.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

Automobile consumption has the characteristics of low frequency, high customer unit price and long decision-making chain, so it is not as easy to carry goods as FMCG. With these thoughts, Changan Auchan chose to start from the periphery. In the blind subscription live broadcast of Auchan Z6, she realized emotional connection with users and planted grass through car models and other commodities, and the viewing volume of the live broadcast for 2 hours broke through.2 million person-times, blind order arrival2887 sets, not only completed the acquisition of customers, but also established brand goodwill, laying the foundation for successful delivery.

After continuous innovation and exploration, Changan Auchan chose to pass."Emotional Grass Planting"Establishing initial contact with users has also deepened consumers’ understanding of Changan Auchan brand and products. In this process, we can’t think that a live broadcast can be "popular". It is very important to manage expectations in advance, otherwise more haste, less speed.

In addition, compared with other car companies, some car companies will spend a lot of money to invite star platforms and then hold a lively press conference online. Most of Auchan’s live broadcasts don’t invite traffic stars, and all Auchan’s anchors come from employees and users. And such an anchor without a star aura has increased consumers’ sense of trust and intimacy, allowing employees to connect users and users to connect users, making the audience feel that the people in the live broadcast room are themselves!

Let the "viewers" before the live broadcast have the opportunity to become "participants" in the live broadcast and truly embrace users, so as to drive more users into the brand marketing construction.

Expand the volume of live broadcast with family matrix to embrace users and build deep communication links between brands and users. Next, what the live broadcast needs to do is to attract users in the content value and trigger emotional resonance between the brand and users.

For live broadcast, IP has gradually become a new tool or new way of brand building.Create a distinctive style and high-quality IP content,Can have valuable interaction with users, and then win more people’s love and continuous attention.

Successful IP will be deeply rooted in people’s hearts, leaving a deep impression on the audience’s hearts, and there are emotional resonance points that can touch people’s hearts, such as "buy it, buy it" and "come on, buddy", which are very distinctive IP.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

Taking Xpeng Motors’s "Pengke Planet" as an example, the protagonist Pengke brothers explored the virtual world of interstellar desolation and science fiction in the meta-universe from the first-person perspective, making the audience watching the live broadcast feel as if they were there, creating a live broadcast scene that users have never seen before, which not only increased the brand’s exposure, but also locked in the young group pursuing technology, trends and freshness.

Changan Auchan has also concentrated its advantages in building a brand user image and created two anchor IPS, one isYounger Tiantuan, and the other isYouth car group.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

Take "Younger" as an example. They are ordinary female employees who work for Changan Auchan or dealers, but they are also one of the many "super goods delivery officers" bred under the new digital retail system of Changan Auchan.

(The picture is from the network. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it.)

In the test drive of Changan Auchan Z6 Hainan in June, the Younger Open Group was formally assembled. Through the local customs and tourism culture of Hainan, it came into close contact with Auchan, and the audience learned the product strength of Auchan Z6 in a scene while traveling with Younger Group.

The youth said that the car group is also composed of Auchan employees and dealers’ male employees. Through professional introduction and data analysis, the audience can get the latest information of the products most intuitively.

Through live IP, users will not be limited by time and space after Changan Auchan opens the center and sales of the Meta-Universe. Using IP to establish brand values, arouse users’ resonance, and establish deep emotional links with users, thus further enhancing users’ goodwill towards brands, truly turning users into loyal fans of brands, and making users willing to "pay the bill" for their favorite brands, and on this basis, promoting users to realize consumption transformation.

The above content is the "three essentials" principle of car live broadcast. Next, let’s see what the "three don ‘ts" are.

Car live broadcast is the general trend, but it is not advisable to follow the trend. For some car companies that have just entered the market, in addition to learning from experienced peers, they need to do more rules and games on the live broadcast platform to fully understand the current industry hotspots and consumers’ thinking and preferences.

Live car broadcastInstead of simply moving content from offline to online.It requires adoption in the context of the current "internet plus"Multimedia, artificial intelligence, VR and other technologies.Provide power support,Ensure that the ultimate experience is presented to users without discount.

Fun car live broadcast should break through the limitations of traditional live performances, create a new experience space by using internet thinking through the high integration of virtual and real performance content and digital presentation, and explore new formats and new normal of automobile marketing. In this context, the era of "meta-universe" has begun.

Recently, many press conferences in the automobile circle have made use of the concept of meta-universe, and they have also unveiled their own virtual images of digital people. For example, Gong, the first digital employee of Changan Automobile, Ida and Changan Auchan, the guests of FAW-Volkswagen Meta-Universe, created Xiaoou as the navigator, and Hijiajia, the owner of Baidu Digital Man, also took the opportunity to appear.

With the continuous development of technology, car live broadcast will be a digital, intelligent and experiential platform. With the full help of mobile internet, Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence, in addition to realizing the basic functions of offline information exchange, dissemination and experience, it will realize the complementarity and linkage between online and offline cars through many emerging technologies.

At the once large-scale auto show site, in order to attract people, various booths have various large-scale car models. With the increasingly standardized rules of the auto show, the main body of the auto show has returned to the car itself. However, with the arrival of live car broadcast, this bottomless phenomenon has also moved from offline to online. In the current fan economy, in order to keep the audience, the anchors began to use surprise to win. All kinds of strange tricks are compared to who is bolder and who is more different than who.

Similar problems will occur in the car live broadcast room nowadays. In the listing conference, car companies oftenThe promotion method of "exaggeration"Use public opinion to build influence and increase the volume of communication. Dealers often attract consumers to place an order and deliver the intended deposit in the process of watching the live broadcast through promotional means, exaggerated discount gimmicks and other publicity means.

As for the situation that some car companies exaggerate the product performance and quality in their external publicity language,Legal sources said that words such as "best" and "complete" were suspected of violating the advertising law.Whether it is an open press conference or a promotion of goods or services through online platforms, including live broadcasts, once such communication is involved, automobile operators may face the risk of being punished by market supervision and management departments.

Therefore, while live broadcast marketing is becoming more and more popular, there are also some consumption traps, which cannot harm consumers’ rights and interests, otherwise it will not be worth the loss, and it will also affect the brand image of car companies themselves.

Liu Genghong, the former "fitness guru", followed by Dong Yuhui, a "bilingual genius", occupied the top stream with excellent professional quality. Therefore, the live broadcast track will always win with "quality", and it is possible to "circle" at different levels.

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The fan economy is also a traffic economy. Live broadcast without a bottom line by blog eyeballs is nothing more than to improve the conversion of traffic. This method is also not desirable.

In the past,"Flow is king"Everyone is keen on investing in traffic stars, rubbing hot topics, and smashing resources on the platform in exchange for traffic. Many enterprises do not hesitate to spend huge sums of money on traffic, users skyrocket and financing continues, as if it is "politically correct" to smash resources for traffic.

At present, the traffic volume of "more than enough porridge" is everywhere, and there are more and more participants in the live broadcast track. In addition, with the increase of economic cost of traffic, the first half of traffic has come to an end, and the second half of the new traffic era will beRefined operation, content value and user experience are the key points of assessment.

As the saying goes, people come and go in a hurry in the world. Instead of being ostentatious and relying on gimmicks to attract the world to look at you more, it is better to use the real thing and let her "stay". Then, through emotional planting, we will continue to strengthen user relations and make friends with users sincerely, so as to turn traffic into retention.

People’s Daily Overseas Edition once commented: "Only by making content with your heart can you infect the audience. Without the blessing of high-quality content, traffic is just traffic. " Each car company, whose ecology is more complete, whose content is more valuable, who can truly treat users as friends, who has a greater chance.

Xiaomi SU7 Debuted at Xiaomi Technology Conference Pre-released Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile should be designed to stand the test of time.

At the press conference, Mr. Lei highlighted his R&D team. Xiaomi SU7 assembled the world’s top designer team to build it, and was the first China designer in BMW.Litianyuan, former senior exterior designer of Mercedes-Benz German headquarters.Qiu Zhen, former BMW senior interior designerShinTogether, the beauty of nature and the beauty of science are integrated in the design of automobile industry, which is concise and smooth without losing the strength and layering, showing a seamless aesthetic feeling.

The front of Xiaomi SU7 adopts "water drop headlight", which is inspired by the instantaneous shape of water drop, and adopts 4-lens and 12-pixel matrix ADB adaptive headlights; The waistline on the side of the car body has both beauty and strength; The highly recognizable halo taillight at the rear of the car is inspired by Saturn’s halo, and a progressive dynamic light band is composed of 360 632nm ultra-red LED elements.

Xiaomi SU7 creates three body colors: Gulf Blue, Elegant Grey and Olive Green, which brings the aesthetic experience from nature and returning to nature.

The design of Xiaomi SU7 also considers the wind resistance coefficient. With 28-degree front windshield, 17-degree slip back and G4 continuous curvature of the whole vehicle contour, and the design of borderless water drop rearview mirror and Goose Warm Stone Lidar, the model has been scientifically tested in wind tunnel, which makesThe drag coefficient of millet SU7 is only.0.195Cd,This is the currentThe lowest wind resistance in global mass-produced cars.

In terms of space performance, the body size of Xiaomi SU7 is4997mm x 1963mm x 1440mm,The wheelbase is3000mm,Sports car posture with low prone movement, C-class large space with multiple travel scenes, and vertical seating space in front row.1012mm, Rear Knee Gap105mm, trunk volume517L, more105LThe volume of the front spare box is the highest in domestic pure electric cars.

In terms of motor, Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with HyperEngine V6/V6s super motor jointly developed by Xiaomi, with a speed of 21000rpm, surpassing the world’s strongest mass production motor. The SU7 Max version of Xiaomi adopts dual-motor all-wheel drive, and the peak torque reaches 838N·m, which is enough to match the sports car performance of the 4.0L turbocharged engine. The total power is as high as 495kW, the maximum speed can reach 265km/h, the acceleration from 0 to 200 km/h is only 10.67 seconds, and the acceleration from zero to zero is as fast as 2.78 seconds. Not only that, Xiaomi SU7 is also full of driving pleasure. It can customize ten adjustments including acceleration characteristics, steering feel, and distribution ratio of front and rear drives. It is equipped with Boost mode, with excess torque output lasting for 20 seconds, supporting ejection start, and the power is instantaneous. It is the ultimate performance enjoyment of speed and passion.

In terms of chassis, Xiaomi SU7 adopts independent suspension with front double wishbone and rear five-links, equipped with intelligent chassis of Xiaomi flurry, CDC damping variable shock absorber, Bosch ESP10.0 body stability system, Bosch DPB brake controller, Braebo four-piston fixed calipers and many other super configurations, with a turning radius of 5.7 meters and a braking distance of 33.3 meters, which has excellent comprehensive handling performance.

Geely Automobile’s interim results were released: the revenue in the first half of the year was 73.18 billion yuan, and Krypton and Link suffered losses one after another.

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On August 22nd, Geely Automobile’s financial report for the first half of 2023 was officially released. According to the data of this financial report, in the first half of the year, Geely Automobile achieved a total revenue of 73.18 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.8%. The revenue also hit a new high in the same period of its history. The net profit was 1.571 billion yuan, a slight increase of 1% year-on-year. In the first half of the year, Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin was 14.4%. Compared with the same period last year, it decreased by 0.2 percentage points.

In the first half of the year, Geely Automobile achieved a total sales volume of 694,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 13.1%. Among them, the export sales volume reached 121,000 vehicles, up 38.3% year-on-year, and the export accounted for 17.5%; The sales volume of new energy vehicles was 158,000, up 43.9% year-on-year, and the proportion of new energy vehicles was 22.7%.

Judging from the key data, Geely Automobile’s performance in the first half of the year is still good. Both revenue and sales growth have reached double digits.

Based on this, at the press conference of interim results report held on the same day, Dai Qing, CFO of Geely Automobile Group, said that Geely Automobile maintained its annual sales target of 1.65 million vehicles, of which the annual sales target was 140,000 vehicles.

(Source: screenshot of financial report)

From last year, Geely Automobile management’s comments on the interim results at that time were "not satisfactory" to this year’s "basically in line with expectations". In the past year, Geely Automobile has obviously made some progress in business. However, after carefully reading the above-mentioned financial report for the first half of the year, the car novel noticed that behind the superficial figures, the progress of Geely Automobile in the past year was not significant enough. In other words, simply from the financial report, Geely Automobile, a big ship, is still in the adjustment period because it is not completely aimed at the channel.

In terms of revenue, the first half of this year earned nearly 15 billion yuan more than the 58.184 billion yuan in the same period last year. However, in terms of net profit, it only increased by 19 million yuan compared with 1.552 billion yuan in the same period last year. The income has increased but the profit has hardly changed, which means that the operating cost has increased significantly or the unit price of products has decreased significantly.

According to the financial report, the sales cost of Geely Automobile in the first half of this year was 62.641 billion yuan, nearly 13 billion yuan more than the same period last year, with an increase of 26.02%.

In terms of breakdown, in the first half of this year, Geely Automobile’s administrative expenses were 4.867 billion yuan, an increase of 4.42% over the same period last year; The distribution and sales expenses were 4.768 billion yuan, an increase of 44.31% over the same period last year.

In this regard, Geely Automobile said in the financial report that despite the continued implementation of strict cost control, the increase in expenses caused by the transformation of new energy and the implementation of new sales business models to increase competitiveness still led to a significant increase in related expenses compared with the same period of last year.

(Source: car novel/photo)

Among them, in view of the substantial increase in distribution and sales expenses, Geely Automobile explained that it was mainly affected by the construction and operation of direct sales channels. The increase in administrative expenses is mainly due to vigorously developing and investing in new energy business.

In terms of R&D expenditure, in the first half of this year, Geely Automobile spent 2.99 billion yuan, a slight decrease (9.20%) compared with 3.265 billion yuan in the same period last year. In this regard, Geely Automobile said in the financial report that most of the ongoing R&D projects are aimed at new products that have not yet been listed, so most of the related expenses have been capitalized and gradually amortized in the form of expenses only after the products are put on the market.

In the direction of R&D investment, Geely Automobile will continue to focus on the innovation of new energy vehicles and key technologies, especially forward-looking technologies such as intelligent interconnection and digitalization.

(Source: screenshot of financial report)

In addition, in the first half of this year, Geely Automobile’s expenditure on staff costs (including directors’ remuneration) also increased by 27.54% compared with the same period last year.

Regarding "cost control", Gan Jiayue, CEO of Geely Automobile Group and executive director of Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd., said at the press conference of the interim results report that "Geely’s cost supply chain system is very strong. From the perspective of the whole value chain, if the scale effect cannot be formed, the enterprise will lose all opportunities".

In addition to the increase in expenses and costs, the losses of Geely Automobile’s Link and Krypton in the first half of this year also affected Geely Automobile’s gross profit margin.

According to the financial report, in the first half of this year, Lectra achieved a sales volume of 82,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 6.2%. In addition to the domestic market, as of the first half of this year, Lectra has also entered the markets of the Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Spain and other countries.

However, contrary to the positive growth of sales, in terms of financial books, Lectra failed to bring positive growth. According to the financial report data, in the first half of the year, Lectra achieved a net loss of 660 million yuan.

In this regard, Geely Automobile explained that the main reason for the decline in Lectra’s performance was the massive investment in accelerating the transformation of new energy and the business expansion of Lectra in the European market.

(Source: screenshot of financial report)

In addition to the Lexus, Krypton Motors also continued to lose money in the financial aspect in the first half of the year. According to the financial report data, in the first half of the year, the net loss of Extreme Krypton Automobile reached 810 million yuan.

In terms of market performance, the company delivered a total of 42,000 vehicles in the first half of the year, up 124% year-on-year. In the pure electric market of more than 300,000 yuan, the krypton market share accounts for 27.4%. Among them, the average order amount of Extreme Krypton 001 exceeds 336,000 yuan; The evaluation order amount of Krypton 009 reached 527,000 yuan. From the market point of view, the performance of Krypton cars is not bad.

However, based on the direct terminal sales model and the construction of the full-scene charging and recharging service system, the existing sales scale is obviously difficult to support the financial profitability.

In this regard, An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Smart Technology, said in the interim results report that there are only three models at present. With the launch of other products with vast architecture, the scale effect will be rapidly formed, and he is more confident in reducing costs. According to its disclosure, a brand-new car will be launched this year, and two brand-new SUVs will be launched next year. All three brand-new products will cover mainstream market segments. In An Conghui’s view, "the scale of sales (of extremely krypton cars) will definitely rise, with the same scale and higher gross profit, which is our consideration of the quality of operation."

For the extremely low price, An Conghui said at the press conference that "some rights and interests were offset by cash, which had little impact on gross profit". An Conghui said, "(using cash to deduct rights and interests) so that the user’s choice of opening will increase. From the current point of view, it has achieved good results and orders have been greatly improved. "

In response to the progress of the extremely embarrassing IPO, An Conghui said that the capital market is changing rapidly and will continue to track the dynamics of the capital market and choose the right window to go public.

According to a report by Cailian, Krypton plans to open a new round of water testing meeting with investors at the end of August, and plans to raise about $1 billion in IPO in the future.

According to the financial report data, as of the first half of the year, there were 306 directly operated stores (including offline stores such as Extreme Center, Extreme Space and Delivery Center), covering 75 cities across the country. In terms of recharging charging stations, 750 krypton charging stations have been built in more than 120 cities across the country.

In the second half of the year, six new models will be launched at the new product level. Among them, Geely brand will launch four models: Geely Yinhe L6 (a compact plug-in hybrid car developed based on CMA architecture and Raytheon hybrid system), Geely Yinhe E8 (a pure electric car developed based on pure electric modular infrastructure), and Jixing series (a new hybrid version of Xingyue L and a new hybrid version of Xingrui L).

Krypton will launch a pure electric car based on the vast platform (SEA) in the second half of the year. Lectra will launch Lectra 08.

For the next outlook, Geely Automobile believes in the financial report that although the growth rate of the new energy vehicle market has slowed down, it still believes that it has great development potential and opportunities. The above-mentioned upcoming hybrid and pure electric vehicles will bring new growth opportunities. In addition, we will continue to optimize the product portfolio of fuel vehicles and launch a small number of strategic upgrade models to stimulate market demand. At the same time, it will also strengthen cost control to ensure that the fuel vehicle business continues to be stable and profitable.

In this regard, Gui Shengyue, CEO of Geely Automobile Holdings Co., Ltd. said that with the listing of Geely Galaxy products, all brands under Geely Automobile have sounded the horn of comprehensive transformation to new energy. With the gradual deepening of the "all-round to new" strategy, Geely Automobile has completely completed the basic investment and ecological construction in the transformation to new energy, and its products have also completed the process of intelligent transformation. In the brand-new market competition pattern, Geely Automobile is expected to take off for the second time.

However, Geely Automobile also said in the financial report that the Group is in a critical period of transition to new energy sources, and the management level still faces various challenges in the transition period.

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Is your city "online celebrity"?

  On April 29th, tourists ate a barbecue in a barbecue city in Zibo.

  Drum, a stage play staged in Datang Furong Garden, Xi ‘an City, Shaanxi Province.

  On May 12th, the night market in Tushan Town, Nan ‘an District, Chongqing was very popular.

On May 7th, in front of the "3D Smiling Wall" of Hubin Pedestrian Street in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the photographer took a group photo for tourists and Chen Chen, one of the mascots of Hangzhou Asian Games.

On May 7th, in front of the "3D Smiling Wall" of Hubin Pedestrian Street in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the photographer took a group photo for tourists and Chen Chen, one of the mascots of Hangzhou Asian Games.

  On February 19th, the old streets along Xinshi Road, Pengjiang District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province were crowded with people.

  The scenery of Nianjia Lake in Changsha, Hunan Province, taken on May 8.

  Go to Zibo for a barbecue, visit Orange Island in Changsha, and visit the Kite Museum in Weifang … … During the May Day holiday this year, many "online celebrity cities" attracted tourists from all over the country, and the tourism consumption market was booming.

  Zibo, a new "online celebrity city", is very popular with tourists. According to statistics, the overall tourist orders in Zibo on May 1st increased by 441% compared with that in 2019, and the number of tourists received on the first day of the "Eight General Convenience Markets" holiday in online celebrity’s punching place exceeded 120,000. Changsha, a veteran "online celebrity city", also performed well. By 14: 00 on May 3rd, 27 tourist attractions in Changsha had received 1,949,500 tourists during the five-day holiday, and realized a total revenue of 92,105,100 yuan.

  For all cities, "becoming popular" is not the ultimate goal, but "growing red" is the long-term pursuit. How to Develop "online celebrity City" in the Long Term?

  "online celebrity City" has its own unique temperament.

  "One table, one furnace, one burrito, dipping sauce, rolling meat and putting onions … …” With a unique sense of ceremony and eating method, Zibo barbecue became popular on the Internet. Since this spring, topics such as "organizing a group to have a barbecue in Zibo" have been frequently listed in the hot search list of Weibo and the list of cities in Tik Tok, which has become a phenomenal topic. With the help of social media traffic, Zibo has become a new "online celebrity City".

  Online traffic quickly turned into offline enthusiasm — — According to the data report released by WeChat on May 1, 2023, the average daily consumption of tourism-related industries in Zibo increased by 73% month-on-month, and the average daily consumption of tourists in local small and medium-sized businesses in Zibo increased by nearly 40% month-on-month.

  Zibo is not the first "online celebrity City". Previously, in the north and south of the great river, many cities stood out from the dividends brought by the Internet. And these cities have unique characteristics.

  The fireworks in Orange Island and the light show on both sides of Xiangjiang River have created the label of "romantic city" in Changsha, Hunan; The leisurely teahouse and the diversified and inclusive fashion street circle combine the comfortable and comfortable atmosphere of Chengdu, Sichuan; The "8D magic" terrain and the popular scenic spot Hongyadong make Chongqing an "old online celebrity" … … With their unique scenery and delicious food, these cities have gained a lot of traffic on the Internet, and become one of the "online celebrity cities", gaining high attention and strong influence.

  The most common symbols in the city can often cause emotional resonance, and then promote people to appreciate and miss the city. In an interview with this newspaper, Zhang Zhian, a professor at Fudan University’s School of Journalism, believes that "online celebrity City" often has its own characteristics. "We see a ‘ Online celebrity City ’ One is flow, and the other is a cultural or emotional trait that will be recognized by today’s young people. Behind the traffic is a spiritual temperament, such as entertainment spirit, which often connects with the mentality of young people. "

  Such as Changsha. Full of youthful vitality, it has become a spiritual trait of this city. In the major business districts, neon lights and cars come and go; The fisherman’s wharf is breezy and the lobster is fragrant; Singing and laughing at the lakeside concert … … In Changsha, where there will be traffic jams at three or four in the morning, people crowded into food stalls at night and enjoyed the energetic atmosphere of the city that never sleeps. The story of the liberation of the West Night in the documentary, the scenes of the major night markets in Changsha in the news, and the topic of "At 4: 30 in the morning, the streets of Changsha are crowded with people" have formed the urban characteristics of "Youth Changsha" in the quiet, attracting people from online to offline, leaving home and punching in Changsha. In August, 2022, China City Night Economic Impact Report (2021— 2022), Changsha ranked second in "Top Ten Night Economy in China".

  "This kind of youth culture and youthful vitality is a sign of Changsha. In a sense, Changsha exists for young people. " Chen Gang, Chairman of Changsha CPPCC, said at the 5th China Wenlv New Marketing Summit.

  Another example is Zibo. This new "online celebrity City" has become the projection and carrier of many people’s inner needs. In the short mobile video, people are infected by the simple and attractive culture here. A ticket that says "go and go" on weekends can achieve a short-term emotional release. "Fireworks" in "Zibo Barbecue" bears people’s pursuit of a better life.

  As the local people in Zibo say, the small stove for barbecue in Zibo represents temperature, the small cake represents tolerance, and the spring onion represents boldness. On the one hand, there is no lack of cultural significance in food.

  How to build a "online celebrity City"

  From Chongqing, online celebrity, Changsha, Hunan, and Xi ‘an, Shaanxi, to Ganzi, Sichuan, and Suizhou, Hubei, which were set on fire by local cultural tourism bureau chiefs, to Jiangmen, Guangdong, and Dali, Yunnan, which became a hit because of popular TV dramas, and to Zibo, Shandong, which always dominated Weibo’s hot search, "online celebrity City" has not only characteristic symbols, but also cultural elements and urban details.

  How to build a "online celebrity City" has become a topic of interest to more and more cities. Some cities hold special seminars, some cities make a special trip to Zibo to study, and some cities write them into urban planning … …

  Judging from past experience, the emergence of "online celebrity City" is indeed inseparable from local efforts.

  For example, in order to further promote the integration of culture and tourism, Jiangmen City, the location of TV drama The Knockout, has produced VR panoramic view of scenic spots in Changdi historical and cultural block and the sign of punch-in point. Visitors only need to scan the code to learn about the scenic spots in The Knockout and the cultural history behind them, and follow the plot to stroll through the century-old street and deeply feel the old times here.

  For another example, in Changsha Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall, located in Orange Island Scenic Area, Hunan embroidery, dough sculpture making skills, xiang opera facial painting and many other intangible projects provide visitors with a deep cultural experience; Various light and shadow art venues, youth centers, cultural and creative spaces, exhibition halls, etc., allow visitors to deeply understand the local history, culture and humanistic charm.

  Another example is the 14th Five-Year Plan for Chongqing’s Cultural and Tourism Development (2021— In 2025), it is clearly pointed out that it is necessary to establish and improve the IP collaborative innovation mechanism for the integration of literature and tourism, formulate and introduce support policies for original intellectual property rights, further develop practical cultural and creative alliances, promote cultural empowerment tourism, and fully tap all kinds of cultural relics, literature and art, intangible cultural heritage and other human resources.

  Red, the test is not only the glamorous side of the city, but also the supporting safeguard measures. Once it doesn’t conform to the word of mouth, or changes quickly, "online celebrity City" will face the risk of "red" turning to "black".

  In Zibo, after the barbecue "out of the circle", the local authorities immediately launched a series of measures to facilitate the people and benefit the people. In order to cope with the large passenger flow, the local bus routes were adjusted in time, and barbecue maps were introduced for diversion; The government took the lead in standardizing the accommodation price, and investigated the hotels whose prices increased by 1.5 times. The public toilets in the scenic spot have intimately prepared sanitary napkins and gastrointestinal anti-inflammatory drugs for tourists; Local men, women and children go into battle together, serve as volunteers to provide services for foreign tourists, and open their arms to the whole country with sincere attitude … … Zibo, a small city, has won people’s praise for its honesty and enthusiasm. According to the data of Meituan, the number of accommodation bookings in Zibo on May 1 this year increased by 800% compared with that in 2019, ranking first in Shandong, and its reputation has been maintained at a high level.

  Some netizens commented, "You think people are promoting barbecue, but in fact they are promoting residents’ quality, administrative team’s ability and a good business environment." "Zibo barbecue is not a string, and it cares about people’s livelihood, boosting popularity, promoting consumption, revitalizing the economy, building image, creating culture and increasing confidence."

  In Chongqing, promoting the improvement of tourism environment has become an important task. As Qin Dingbo, deputy director of Chongqing Cultural Tourism Commission, said, with the attention of the city and the accelerated improvement of the tourism environment, the next step is to make what kind of products to attract tourists to stay. Relevant parties in Chongqing said that the next step will continue to promote the quality of product supply. In addition to upgrading a number of scenic spots in online celebrity, such as Hongyadong, Liziba Light Rail and ciqikou ancient town, we will also launch a number of boutique tourist routes around red tourism, urban tourism, Three Gorges tourism and rural tourism, and strive to build a number of iconic, driving and original tourist brands.

  Let the city move from "online celebrity" to "Changhong"

  A city can become "online celebrity" by virtue of the spread of a certain scenic spot or event. But to achieve the "long red" state, you need to provide good experience and feelings for a long time.

  In Zhang Zhian’s view, "online celebrity City" and "Changhong" need planning, marketing, scenes, sharing, spreading and connecting. He believes that a long-term sustainable "online celebrity city" is composed of many factors: first, a developed industrial economy, so as to attract more young people to work here; The second is a livable living environment, and people can have a good consumption experience; The third is a certain cultural accumulation, and the city has its own spiritual symbols and spiritual characteristics. "Short-term hot cities do not mean that they must be cities that continue to exude charm. It is also necessary to effectively transform this flow and become a driving force for sustainable urban development."

  The practice of Hangzhou is worth learning. In this southern city, Wulin Road in the center of the city is always brightly lit and tourists fly by, and the prosperous night economy lights up the night; A number of interesting landmarks such as "the most beautiful runway", "big and small lotus", the gate of Hangzhou and the Internet of Things Street are constantly appearing; China cartoon museum, China Network Writers Village and other national IP names have successively settled down; E-commerce, Internet of Things, Internet finance and other emerging industries are booming, providing people with a new track for development … … Under the organic combination of various elements, the charm of Hangzhou has continued to increase for a long time.

  In an interview with this newspaper, Talia Liu, an associate professor at Communication Research Institute of Communication University of China, said: "Really long-lasting ‘ Online celebrity City ’ , to be able to generate economic and emotional links with the local. ‘ Online celebrity City ’ Our growth and development is a process of activating internal motivation, integrating external resources, and then external resources can drive internal motivation, and finally form a United community. The core driving force is human strength. "

  Some analysts believe that "online celebrity City" focuses on highlighting its characteristics. It should not only learn from the success of other cities, but also combine its own historical heritage, regional culture and the requirements of the times to create its own urban spirit, establish an image externally and unite people at home.

  From "online celebrity" to "Changhong", "online celebrity City" combines its own advantages and constantly explores the road of urban industrial transformation and upgrading.

  For example, Weifang High-tech Zone. Here, we focus on the Meta-Universe digital tourism industry. At present, we have laid out professional parks such as Meta-Universe Future Innovation Valley and Liandong U Valley, and gathered 8 key enterprises such as Goer and Tongxin Vision, focusing on building a number of projects such as Kashgar Meta-Universe digital tourism base and Meta-Universe digital technology research and development to shape the advantages of the tourism industry. The person in charge of Weifang High-tech Zone told the author that in the next step, we will build an industrial platform based on parks such as Meta Universe Future Innovation Valley, cultivate and introduce a number of leading enterprises and high-quality projects, and explore the application of "Meta Universe+Cultural Travel".

  Looking at Changsha again, Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industry Park has gathered more than 4,000 upstream and downstream enterprises in the video cultural and creative industry chain. It has scientific and technological innovation forces such as Huawei Cloud Audio and Video Innovation, Volcano Engine, Malanshan Computer Media Research Institute and 5G Key Laboratory, which has promoted the competitiveness and influence of Changsha Cultural and Creative Industry. At the 2023 National Conference on Cultural and Tourism Industry Development, Malanshan Video Wenchuang Industrial Park was awarded the "National Cultural Industry Demonstration Park".

  Maintaining the strength of "Changhong" is inseparable from the strength of talents.

  At this point, Xi’ an continues to exert its strength. In January this year, Xi ‘an issued the "Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening Talent Work to Promote High-quality Development in Xi ‘an", proposing to strengthen talent work to promote high-quality development, implement a more active, open and effective talent policy, and strive to build Xi ‘an into a source of innovation, an industrial integration place and a first-class talent selection place with various talents, broad development space and excellent ecology.

  "I especially hope that most cities in China have ‘ Online celebrity gene ’ 。” Zhang Zhian told the author, "I hope that different cities can find their own personalities, find different ways of development, and finally let people choose in so many different cities."


  Iterative "online celebrity City"

  "online celebrity" was originally the abbreviation of the word "Internet red man". Now, everything that has high traffic and is widely concerned on the Internet is often labeled as "online celebrity". Online celebrity Campus, online celebrity Cuisine, online celebrity Landmark … … The scope of "online celebrity" is constantly expanding, and "online celebrity City" came into being.

  What are the types and stages of "online celebrity City"? In this regard, the media and academic circles are inconclusive and the classification methods are different.

  Some observers believe that the development of "online celebrity City" has experienced three generations. Before the popularization of the Internet, Xiamen, Lijiang and other cities consciously put image advertisements in the media, which can be called "online celebrity City" and "Veteran". The second generation, represented by Xi ‘an and Chongqing, exploded on the short video platform. In the third generation, the city image is closer to the aesthetics of young people, and Changsha is one of them.

  Some scholars have analyzed that "online celebrity City" has developed into the 4.0 era. In the 1.0 era, it was mainly a city famous for its natural scenery, such as Lijiang and Dali. In the era of 2.0, the artificial urban landscape was circled, and the typical representatives were Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi ‘an and other cities. In the era of 3.0, "eat, drink and be merry" was the key word, such as "Super Wen He You" in Changsha, which attracted much attention. The era of 4.0 is the "industrial era", and Zibo, which relies on the "consumer service industry", is a typical representative.

  (Xu Yujie finishing)

Hesheng shares: Battery tray products can carry various batteries such as semi-solid batteries.

Securities Times E Company News, Hesheng Co., Ltd. said on the interactive platform on April 5 that the company has perfect production technology and material research and development capabilities, and its customers include battery manufacturers and vehicle manufacturers. The company can customize and produce different types of battery tray products according to customers’ requirements, and can carry various batteries including semi-solid batteries and solid-state batteries. The company has been driven by technology for a long time, and has been widely recognized by customers. It has laid out the production of new energy automobile parts in advance and accumulated certain technology.

What do you mainly look at when buying a laptop?

  What do you mainly look at when buying a laptop?Although there will be some performance differences between laptops and desktops, there are still many office users and designers who choose to buy laptops as their main machines. Laptops may not be as portable as tablets, but the advantages of laptops are still very obvious when dealing with some large documents or design tasks. So what do you mainly look at when buying a laptop? As a person who used a laptop to edit, Xiaobian shared with you the experience of buying a notebook.

What do you mainly look at when buying a laptop? Look at the demand

  (1) the notebook configuration requirements, that is, use.

  Buying a notebook computer mainly depends on the purpose, what is the best notebook, and a notebook suitable for many people is the best, so when buying a notebook computer, you must first know what you will use it for in the future.

  If it’s just ordinary internet access and office work, it’s almost unnecessary to consider the computer configuration, and just holding a laptop can meet the needs of ordinary internet access and office work.

  If it is audio-visual entertainment, it pays more attention to high definition and video decoding, so the relatively new second-generation SNB integrated graphics platform is a good choice.

  3. If it is used for professional drawing, then the focus is on professional drawing graphics card, so choosing a notebook will have certain requirements for graphics card, and the integrated graphics card book may not be suitable.

  2. If you are a mainstream game or a user who needs video rendering, you will have higher requirements for the comprehensive performance of computer notebooks, such as computer cpu, graphics card and memory, and multi-core discrete graphics card is more important.

  The requirements listed above are gradually increasing from low configuration to high configuration, so the later the budget, the higher it will be, but here we will involve budget and practical issues.

  ② Are there any special requirements for notebooks, such as Bluetooth, HDMI (High Definition Output Interface), eSATA, fingerprint encryption, etc. In fact, this non-essential condition depends on personal hobbies.

  ③ What is the budget for purchasing a laptop?

  Undeniably, the budget for purchasing notebooks is a part that players pay close attention to, and the budget is also closely related to the use of computers. For example, notebooks with general configuration that can meet the needs of office and ordinary Internet access can be bought with a budget below 3,000. According to different brands, their prices will be different, but basically there will be a trend. At present, the overall performance is good, and the price budget of dual-core brand notebooks will be around 4,000 yuan. According to different brands, the price will be around 4,000 yuan.

  For example, the price of an i3 notebook with Shenzhou brand is about 3,500 yuan, but the price of the same configuration on the more famous Lenovo brand may reach 4,000 yuan or higher, so the purchase of notebooks here is also related to the brand. Although different brands have the same configuration, there are differences in workmanship, so the purchase of notebooks is based on the user’s use and the budget is related to the brand.

What do you mainly look at when buying a laptop? Look at the configuration.

  The first consideration when buying a laptop is the size of the laptop. Whether to buy a small size or a large size, Xiaobian has the following suggestions:

  Notebooks 13 inches and below are mostly used for mobile office, so they can basically meet the daily document processing in performance. However, with the dual pursuit of small size and high performance by consumers, many manufacturers have launched small size and high performance notebooks. Such as MacBook Pro and SurfaceBook.

  14-inch is considered by most people to be a balance of mobility and performance, with good cost performance and performance, good look and feel, and not too heavy and too big, which is suitable for most people and the mainstream choice. If it is a game book, you may have to pay attention to heat dissipation. It is recommended by people who want mobility and performance.

  15 inches, poor mobility, generally focusing on screen enjoyment and game performance, and the cost performance is generally good. It should be better than the 14-inch one if the heat dissipation is not cut corners. Recommended by people who often stay at home to play games or watch movies and rarely take them out.

  17 inches and above, poor mobility, the recommender is the same as above.

  Another thing to consider is that the battery life of notebook computers is generally inversely proportional to the screen size, and of course it depends on the specific hardware configuration and settings; In addition, we can change the battery, so we can choose it flexibly, and ordinary household users don’t have to pay too much attention to it. After all, household notebook computers generally use mains electricity and won’t use notebook batteries, but for mobile office friends, we need to pay attention to the endurance of notebook computers.

  The special functional requirements of notebooks, I mean Bluetooth, HDMI, eSATA and other functions that are not available on every computer. Bluetooth has a lot of notebooks with reserved positions, so you can open and add a module yourself with strong hands-on ability, while HDMI and eSATA seem to have no way to add them. Some people need to use Bluetooth to link printers or mobile phones, use HDMI to play high-definition TV, use eSATA interface to connect high-speed mobile hard disks, and use fingerprints to encrypt notebooks. If you have special requirements in these areas (I have said or others), you should pay attention to them when buying a book.

  After determining the configuration of the notebook you want, you should start to compare the workmanship and performance of various brands and models, and the brand is in a relatively backward position here. I don’t value the brand so much, not to say that I ignore the workmanship. In fact, the workmanship is very important. But now most of the notebooks are entrusted by Taiwan Province enterprises (some big brands also have their own local factories, usually high-end products), and all the components are almost the same brand, and some even let the manufacturers do the design work.

  Although the quality of finished products of different brands from the same factory is different, the internal quality of finished products of the same consumption positioning level is basically not much different except for external parts such as shells. Therefore, I think that under the premise of good design function and no defects (referring to firmness, heat dissipation, functions of various components, etc.), if external factors such as appearance and mold fineness can reach the bottom line of personal acceptance, even second-line brands are still worth considering, and the price of first-line brands is expensive, and the cost performance is not excellent. Of course, it is better to go directly to the first line.

  Brand here is also an important place for after-sales service, such as how many years of warranty, free or paid, and how long the specific parts will be guaranteed, such as screen, door-to-door service or repair service, under what circumstances, and how long the period is, etc. These also require personal efforts and comparison. Here, we are not advised to buy brands that are completely unknown, too close to the cottage, and the quality is not assured.

  The important performance of a notebook related to work is heat dissipation, especially for a game book with strong performance. When the performance of the graphics card is enhanced, it will inevitably lead to the improvement of the overall heat, so we should pay more attention to the heat dissipation performance. After all, notebooks are made of various electronic components with solder, and too high a temperature is definitely not good for stability and life. I’m afraid the heat dissipation performance can’t be concluded from the manufacturer’s parameters or the promoters’ introduction. The best way is to look at the evaluation and comments of netizens online, but it should be noted that there are many online gunmen. I suggest you go to JD.COM Mall to look at the transaction evaluation, which is more reliable.

  In addition, in addition to the differences in hardware, notebooks also have the differences between their own systems and software. Some are pre-installed with Win7, some are Linux, and some are bare-metal Dos systems. It is best to choose according to your own situation. In fact, this is generally easier to solve, and stores will generally install the latest system for you.

  Summarize what to buy a laptop: look at the demand, look at the configuration, look at the face value and look at your own savings. Whether you are working in the morning or eating chicken at night, what kind of laptop you choose to buy is mainly based on your own needs. Then choose the notebook computer that meets the requirements from the configuration, and it is not difficult to find the one you like.

Are you stupid about Aion V 13 configurations? I’ll tell you which one is the most suitable today! Which one can’t be bought!

 Since its debut, Guangzhou Automobile New Energy Aion V has attracted numerous attention with its mecha modeling, large space, L3 autopilot, 5G smart health seat and 600 km long battery life. After the official listing on June 16th, it directly blinded my titanium alloy eyes with as many as 13 configurations. 13 configurations, are you stupid? A few days ago, we also received a message from our friends that their configuration table was too complicated, and we hope to make a configuration analysis. No problem, arrange! Today, I will talk to you about how to play these 13 configurations.

 Specific configuration and price

At present, we can see that Aion V has 13 configurations in official website, Guangzhou Automobile New Energy Co., Ltd., covering four kinds of cruising range, which are 400/500/530/600 kilometers respectively, and the corresponding vehicle names are 60/70/70PLUS/80 respectively. Among them, the 400-kilometer endurance version and the 530-kilometer endurance version have only one configuration of 60 and 70PLUS respectively, and the 70 and 80 models have five configurations, namely, Smart Collar Edition, Enjoy Healthy Edition, Enjoy Smart Technology Edition, Enjoy Smart Driving Edition and Enjoy Smart Zun Edition, and 80 MAX exists as the top model of the 80 version, that is, 5 * 2+1+1 = 13. Between 239,600 yuan.

Is the basic configuration fragrant?

Let’s take a look at the basic configuration of the whole car system — — 60 Smart Collar Edition is classified from four aspects: appearance, interior decoration, safety and technology. See the table below for the specific configuration.

Each of them has a more practical bright spot configuration, such as the appearance of LED head taillights, 19/20-inch rims, etc. Interior, four-door window one-button lifting, CN95 air conditioning filter, remote one-button antivirus, etc. The safety configuration is very complete, including ESP, ABS, tire pressure monitoring and front side airbags. In terms of science and technology, dual 12.3-inch display screens, keyless entry, wireless networks, etc. are also full of science and technology.

What are the differences between the configurations?

Let’s look at the "5*2" part first. The 70 and 80 models have 5 configurations respectively, and the price difference between adjacent configurations under each model is the same, as shown in the following table.

First of all, it is clear that the difference between the same versions of 70 and 80 models is mainly the difference in battery life. The battery life of 80 models is more than 100 kilometers, and the corresponding versions are all different by 22,000 yuan. On the Aion S, the same configuration with different battery life (a difference of 100 kilometers) is 13,000 yuan, and the Aion V is more expensive. In addition, 80 models are equipped with 20-inch rims (other models are equipped with 19-inch rims) plus some optional packages, such as 5G Pioneer Suit and Luxury Smart Suit. Only 80 models can choose. Let’s put the five configurations of 70 and 80 models together and look at the differences between them.

Smart collar edition

Compared with the 60-degree smart collar version, the 70/80 smart collar version has five super-practical configurations, including the automatic induction opening of the headlights, the sunshade of the electric sunroof, the automatic folding of the rearview mirror, the defrosting and defogging functions, the intelligent automatic rain sensor wiper, the 360-degree panoramic parking image system.

The 70-smart version has a battery life of 100 kilometers longer than the 60-smart version plus five practical configurations, and the difference is 18,000 yuan. Compared with the 70-collar version, the 80-collar version has 100km battery life and 20-inch rims, with a price difference of 22,000. Obviously, 70 Smart Collar Edition is a wise choice.

Enjoy the healthy version

Compared with the smart-collar version, Enjoy Health Edition has more PM2.5 sensor +AQS air quality sensor+fragrance system, and the price difference is 4,200 yuan.

The added configuration is mainly aimed at the air quality sensor in the car. If the air quality in your living environment is poor all the year round, you can choose this configuration. In my opinion, there is no need to spend 4200 more for these, and the cost performance is low. After all, the environment in most cities is not as bad as this. In addition, after paying attention to the environment at the national level, the negative examples represented by Beijing have continued to improve significantly in recent years. It is really necessary to monitor the air quality inside the car. You can buy a small instrument online and get it for a few hundred dollars.

Zhixiang technology ban

Zhixiang Technology Edition has 9 configurations more than Changxiang Health Edition, with a price difference of 5,000 yuan.

As you can see, this 5000 yuan is enough to increase the configuration. Among them, the "owner’s super account" can realize the functions of car body control and automatic account identification, and wireless charging of mobile phones and virtual keys are also practical functions in daily life. This configuration of 5000 yuan is quite cost-effective and worth recommending.

In addition, 80 Zhixiang Technology Edition can also be equipped with luxury smart suits, which can have more choices.

Yue Xiang zhi Jia ban

On the basis of enjoying the healthy version, Yuexiang Intelligent Driving Edition adds an electronically controlled power-assisted braking system +ADiGO automatic driving system. Among them, ADiGO autopilot system can realize lane keeping, adaptive cruise, active braking, face recognition and other functions. That is, an L2 driver’s assistance suit+electronically controlled power-assisted braking, with a difference of 8,000 yuan.

It should be noted that the Enjoy Smart Drive Edition adds the above configuration on the basis of Enjoy Healthy Edition, but it has no additional technology configuration (9 items listed in the above table) than Enjoy Healthy Edition. If you have a need for L2 autopilot, you can consider it. Otherwise, Zhixiang Technology Edition is cheaper and more practical.

Enjoy the wisdom edition

Driving the Smart Edition is based on the Smart Edition, which adds an electronically controlled power-assisted braking system and one-button remote parking, with a total difference of 6,200 yuan, of which remote parking was originally scheduled to be delivered. For some female drivers who have the shadow of parking, it may be love at first sight for remote parking. With it, my mother no longer has to worry about my parking. For most people, this 6200 yuan is not worth it.

Let’s look at the part of "1+1+1".

60 smart collar edition

The 60 model has only one configuration of the smart collar version, and the only model with a battery life of 400 kilometers and a rear torsion beam dependent suspension (other models are rear multi-link independent suspensions). Compared with the 60-smart version, the 70-smart version has five super practical configurations, such as automatic induction opening of headlights and electric sunroof. Compared with the 70 Smart Collar Edition, the price difference is 18,000 yuan, 100 kilometers more battery life+rear multi-link suspension +5 practical configurations. Obviously, the 60-smart version is low in cost performance. In addition, the 60 Smart Collar Edition does not have any right to choose packages, which further limits everyone’s freedom of choice.

70 Plus smart collar edition

The existence of the 70 Plus smart collar version with a battery life of 530 kilometers is a bit of a chicken rib, only 30 kilometers more than the 70 smart collar version, and the difference is 6000 yuan. If it is to increase the battery life, it will not be only 30 kilometers more. This wave of operation by the manufacturers has also confused me. It should be noted that for the 400-kilometer and 500-kilometer endurance models, the battery pack uses Funeng battery, and the battery capacity is 52.4 and 69.9 kWh respectively; For the 530-kilometer and 600-kilometer cruising models, the battery pack uses AVIC battery, and the battery capacity is 73.3 and 80 kWh respectively. If you value the battery brand, just choose it as needed. In addition, the 70 Plus Smart Collar Edition does not have any right to choose an optional package.

80 MAX

80 MAX has added solar sunroof, electric tailgate, rear privacy glass, ADiGO autopilot system and luxury smart suit on the basis of the 80-driver version. Among them, the main driver’s seat memory and AR navigation in the luxury smart suit can fully support you to install a 13 occasionally; For friends with camping hobbies, you can also meet your outdoor electricity demand through a two-way 6.6 kW charger. In addition to the slightly higher price, the configuration is absolutely nothing to say.

What are the optional packages?

One-button remote parking set

The 70/80 driving smart edition has been equipped, so you don’t need to choose it. The 60/70Plus smart collar edition is not optional. The other 9 models are optional, and the optional price is 12,400 yuan. In my opinion, this optional package is low in cost performance, and it is unnecessary to choose it except for those female drivers who have "storage shadow".

ADiGO 2.5 automatic driving assistance package(that is, L2.5 automatic assisted driving)

The 70/80 Enjoy Smart Driving Edition equipped with ADiGO automatic driving system (L2 automatic driving assistance) is not optional, and the 60/70Plus Smart Collar Edition is not optional. The other nine models are optional, and the optional price is 9800 yuan (half price concession), which is still very affordable.

ADiGO 3.0 automatic driving assistance package

Only 80 MAX can be installed, and the optional price is 28,600 yuan. This optional package is not only expensive, but when L3 will be opened is still unknown. Unless you have a strong desire for L3, it is not recommended.

5G pioneer suit

80 models are optional, and the optional price is 9600 yuan. It should be noted that if 80 MAX is equipped with ADiGO 3.0, you can’t install 5G Pioneer Suit at the same time. This is because the current ADiGO 3.0 needs to use a high-precision map positioning module, which is developed based on the 4G network architecture. High-precision maps based on 5G network architecture are still under development.

Luxury smart suit

In addition to the 80 MAX already equipped, only 80 Zhixiang Technology Edition and 80 Driving Zhixiang Zun Edition can be installed, and the optional price is 9600 yuan. The optional package specifically includes 8 items such as ventilation/heating of front seats and AR navigation, which can be seen as some practical configurations. This optional package is quite cost-effective and worth buying.

How to buy it specifically?

1. How to choose the comprehensive cost performance?

Recommended model: 70 Zhixiang Technology Edition.

Recommended index:★★★★★

Highlight: As far as comprehensive cost performance is concerned, 70 Zhixiang Technology Edition has the highest cost performance, 186,800 yuan, which can have the high value, large space and 500 km long battery life of AION V. At the same time, the main drive 6-way electric adjustment, mobile phone wireless charging, Bluetooth virtual key and other technical configurations are also available, which can fully meet your daily car needs. Overall, the cost performance is quite high, which is worth recommending.

2. How to choose the mecha style and large space of Aion V only?

Recommended model: 70 smart collar version.

Recommended index:★★★★

Recommended reason: Because all models have the same shape and space, if you only value the mecha style and large space, you should choose the cheapest 60-smart collar version. However, compared with the 60-smart version, the 70-smart version is 18,000 yuan more expensive, with 100 kilometers more battery life and 5 practical configurations (mentioned above). The 80-smart collar version is 22,000 more expensive than the 70-smart collar version, with 100 kilometers more battery life and 20-inch rims. The 70Plus Smart Collar Edition is 6000 yuan more expensive than the 70 Smart Collar Edition, and the extra 30 kilometers of battery life is very tasteless. Obviously, the 70 Smart Collar Edition has the highest cost performance, and it is the most suitable partner for such needs.  

3. How to choose the long battery life of Aion V?

Recommended model: 80 smart collar version

Recommended index:★★★★

Recommended reason: 80 models have a battery life of 600 kilometers, and friends who value battery life directly choose the low allocation of 80 models — — The 80 Smart Collar Edition, although slightly inferior in some aspects of technology configuration, is still worth recommending in terms of battery life and pricing. Suitable for those small partners who have low configuration requirements, limited budget and long battery life.

4. How to choose long battery life+automatic driving?

Recommended model: 80 Zhixiang Technology Edition +ADiGO 2.5

Recommended index:★★★★

Highlight: If you want a long battery life, lock the 80 models. In terms of autonomous driving, the current ADiGO 2.5 package is half price, as long as 9800 yuan. Moreover, it can be found from the official of GAC New Energy that ADiGO 3.0 only adds "HF+ high-precision map for highway driving assistance" on the basis of ADiGO 2.5, and it will take half a year for ADiGO 3.0 to be delivered.

Therefore, on the whole, friends who value long battery life and automatic driving can choose 80 Zhixiang Technology Edition +ADiGO 2.5 automatic driving assistance package. You can enjoy the ADiGO 2.5 optional package at half price, and you can pick up the car as soon as possible.

 5. How to choose L3 autopilot that values Aion V?

Recommended model: 80 MAX+ADiGO 3.0

Recommended index:★★★

Highlight: 80 MAX is equipped with ADiGO automatic driving system, and it is also the only model that can be equipped with ADiGO 3.0 automatic driving assistance package. If you are driving for L3 of Aion V, 80 MAX will be the only option. Of course, for a small partner with sufficient budget, it is quite worry-free to directly choose the top match in one step. However, according to the current news, the optional ADiGO 3.0 will have to wait for about half a year before it can be delivered.

It should be noted that the current regulations do not fully permit L3 autopilot. The official statement of GAC New Energy is that "it can be opened when the regulations permit", but when it can be opened is still unknown.

6. Which models are not recommended?

1)60 Smart Collar Edition.

With a battery life of 400 kilometers, it is weak in the mainstream market, and the rear suspension of the 60-collar version is a torsion beam non-independent suspension. The most important thing is that as long as the price is increased by 18,000 yuan, you can buy the 70-smart version, and the battery life is increased by 100 kilometers. There are also super practical configurations such as automatic headlights, electric sunroof, rearview mirror automatic folding and defrosting and defogging functions, and 360-degree panoramic parking image system. In contrast, the 60-smart version is much less cost-effective.

2)70 Plus Smart Collar Edition.

This configuration is very thin, only 30 kilometers more battery life than the 70-smart-collar version, and the price is 6000 yuan more. I think the extra 30 kilometers can’t solve everyone’s pursuit of high battery life, and there is no need to spend 6000 yuan more.

3) If you are not rushing to install ADiGO 3.0, it is not recommended to buy 80 MAX.

Let’s calculate an account. If the 80-driver version is equipped with ADiGO 2.5+ luxury suit, the price will be 234,400 yuan. It includes L2.5 assisted driving+one-button remote parking.

80 MAX’s one-button remote parking needs to be optional, so the price is 252,000 yuan. Among them, the assisted driving is L2, but it has more solar sunroof, electric tailgate, privacy glass in the rear row and automatic anti-glare in the interior rearview mirror than the 80-driver version (optional ADiGO 2.5+ luxury suit). 80 MAX is 17,600 yuan more expensive. Do you think it’s worth it?

If the 80 MAX is not equipped with one-button remote parking, the price is 23.96. It is 5200 yuan more expensive than the former, with the above four configurations, but one-button remote parking is missing, and the automatic driving level is one grade worse. Do you think it is worth it?

■ State Review

Generally speaking, Aion V has many vehicle configurations, which may be difficult in the initial selection, but it also gives you more choices. Whether you are pursuing high face value and long battery life, or pursuing technology configuration and autonomous driving, you can find what you want in AION V. Have you decided which one to buy?

[See you at 8: 00] Revealing online celebrity Tarot divination and wealth collection.

  CCTV News:At 8 o’clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours.

  Pay tribute to the hero! The handover site of the remains of the martyrs of the People’s Liberation Army defending the country: Yun -20 special plane escorted, and the soldiers fired their guns to pay tribute.

  The first medical insurance regulatory regulations were released! Fraudulent insurance will be fined more than 2 times and less than 5 times the amount defrauded.

  Shandong plans to stipulate that primary and secondary school teachers should change all written assignments in batches.

  Tan Xiaorong, deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Chongqing Municipal Committee, accepted the examination and investigation and surrendered himself voluntarily.

  Human for the first time! China’s goggles satellite confirmed that the fast radio bursts came from magnetars.

  The United States formally rejoined the Paris Agreement.

  Russian athletes will use their Olympic flag to participate in the Tokyo and Beijing Olympic Games.

  A Korean woman was bitten off by a strong kiss and was found to be self-defense.

  The oldest juvenile delinquent in the United States was released from prison after serving 68 years, lamenting that the world is "really beautiful".

  Six generations of inheritance! Members of the Argentine family were born with a wisp of white hair.

  A letter from home written by Wang Zhuoran, a hero on the frontier, before his mission: Mom and Dad, my son is unfilial and may not be able to give you a pension. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely give it back to you as a son and repay you well.

  The waiter stopped wasting and was scolded, and the hot pot restaurant was involved: a "comfort award" was awarded to the waiter.

  A father in Fengxian County, Xuzhou, taught his underage son to "practice driving" and hit six cars in a row. Police: The driver’s license was revoked.

  Two people were killed and one injured when the brick truck rolled out of control in Nanchong, Sichuan. The cause of the accident is under investigation.

  Tourists feed chickens to tigers, causing them to fall heavily. Zoo: chickens are brought by tourists.

  Revealing online celebrity Tarot card divination and wealth collection: the so-called "masters" are all big tricks.

  The man found that the mobile phone lost three years ago was sealed in cement and integrated with the ground.

  Hard fatherly love! The old father washed his son’s car with a steel ball, and Audi became "starry sky paint" in A6 seconds.

  It is not difficult to live and raise, and matching is the key.

  — — Xinhua News Agency commented on "Northeast China’s full liberalization of fertility"

Folk artists in Luanping County, Hebei Province performed "waving flowers".

Members of a local rowing club are training in the port of Pula, Croatia.

  What did the "handsome boy" grow up? That’s how dad and uncle fight!

  Editor in Charge: Sun Jie

  Editor: Xie Botao Tian Yudi

"post-90 s" Bao Ma is the anchor of shroud: shroud can be beautiful just like the dress of the deceased.

In recent years, more and more young people have begun to pay attention to and devote themselves to the funeral industry, injecting new vitality into this industry with their enthusiasm and wisdom. In Heze, Shandong Province, a post-90 s treasure mother chose to be the anchor of the shroud. Every night, this treasure mother introduced the shroud in the live broadcast room and tried it on and displayed it according to the audience’s requirements. Sometimes she needed to try on more than 40 pieces in one night.

In this treasure mother’s view, the shroud is like the dress of the deceased. It is a traditional custom to prepare the shroud for the deceased, but it is difficult to see the effect of wearing it when buying it offline or online, and now many people are not so shy about dying. Some even choose the shroud for themselves, so she moved the shroud to the live broadcast room.

Qi Jianyue reports from Heze, Shandong Province, Shuo Jinag